Dear Interpreter/Translator

TIA is aware that many of you have received the new TIS National Deed of Standing Offer. In our view the Deed is onerous and unilateral.

We are concerned that if you sign the Deed, you will be committing to terms which we know are often difficult to abide by. If you sign, you could easily find yourself in breach.

We have written to TIS National with an invitation to discuss our concerns. Obviously we hope for a positive response, but previous experience tells us TIS does not readily negotiate.

It is still important that you understand what you are signing up for. We have prepared a Fact Sheet to help inform you about some of the key concerns that impact you.

We are launching a campaign to make the concerns public. Over the coming weeks we will be working to raise awareness in the interpreter community and encourage TIS to hear and listen to the concerns. We do not recommend you sign the Deed, but understand if you feel you need the work. What we ask is for you to support the campaign by waiting to 31 May before you sign and return the Deed.

TIS National wants signed Deeds early, so they can process them before the end of the financial year. The most powerful way you can send the message that you are fed up with TIS disrespect for interpreters is to make them work.

If you are not currently a member of Translators and Interpreters Australia and want to have your voice heard, click here.

Please do not sign the Deed before 31 May.

We will be in touch again in coming days to update you and advise the next steps.

In Unity Translators and Interpreters Australia